Nasi Goreng Telur Ceplok Ala Enak Eco

Nasi Goreng Telor Ceplok is a dish made from fried rice using the typical Enak Eco fried rice seasoning to produce a delicious taste and is suitable as a family meal.

Ingredient :

  • 2 Plates of white rice

Spice :

  • 1 sachet of enak eco fried rice seasoning
  • 1 tsp garlic marinade
  • White cabbage to taste, thinly sliced
  • Broth powder (optional)
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 eggs to scramble

Additional ingredients:

  • Half cooked scrambled eggs
  • Prawn crackers
  • Cucumbers and tomatoes

Cooking steps:

  1. tumis baceman bawang putih sampai wangi, masukan 2 butir telur orak arik, masukkan kol
  2. Add 2 plates of white rice, add the delicious eco fried rice sachet seasoning, mix well
  3. Add salt and broth powder, cook until cooked, remove from heat
  4. sajikan dengan telur ceplok, timun, tomat dan kerupuk udang.

Resep Bumbu Enak Eco