Enoki Mushroom Sauce Chicken Rujak Enak Eco

Jamur enoki saus ayam bumbu rujak enak eco  merupakan hidangan yang terbuat dari jamur enoki  yang dibuat dengan cara digoreng dengan adonan kemudian ditusuk disiram dengan saus bumbu ayam rujak enak eco sehingga menghasilkan rasa yang lezat dan cocok disajikan untuk keluarga.

Main Ingredient :

  • 2 packs of enoki mushrooms
  • Enak Eco Rojak Chicken Seasoning

Dough  :

  • 150gr wheat flour (blue key)
  • 1/3 tsp baking soda
  • 200 ml cold sparkling water
  • 1 telur
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 1 tsp chicken powder (optional)

Sauce :

  • 3 tbsp oil
  • 2 batang daun bawang
  • 5 – 8 red bird's eye chilies (optional)
  • 1 pack of enak eco rujak seasoning

Dough  :

  • Cut the root / rootstock of the enoki mushrooms and separate them, 1 pack of mushrooms cut into 4 parts
  • Mix all the ingredients for the dough, add the mushrooms little by little
  • Heat the oil, put the enoki mushrooms that have been put into the mixture, remove when they are cooked.
  • Sauté the spring onions, chilies, and the Rujak Enak eco chicken seasoning for the sauce.
  • Serve the fried enoki mushrooms with a splash of enak eco salad seasoning chicken sauce.

Resep Bumbu Enak Eco