Mie Goreng

Mie Goreng Kecombrang is a dish made of yellow noodles mixed with vegetables, chicken, eggs and seafood (shrimp and squid). The Kecombrang fried noodles are combined with the typical Enak Eco fried noodle seasoning to produce a delicious taste and is suitable as a family lunch dish.

Main Ingredient :

  • 250 gr yellow noodles
  • 1 pack of eco delicious fried noodle seasoning.
  • 1/2 carrot
  • 1/2 packet of vegetables
  • 1 handful of bean sprouts
  • 1 tbsp kecombrang (sliced)
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 grams of chicken, shrimp and squid (which has been boiled)
  • 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  • 2-3 tablespoons of oil / margarine
  • A little water for sautéing (so the water doesn't stick)

Ways of making :

  1. Boil yellow noodles until cooked and drain.
  2. Cut the chicken, squid, vegetables and carrots
  3. Add enough oil then add carrots, meat, eggs, kecombrang, enak eco fried noodle seasoning, yellow noodles, bean sprouts, vegetables, shrimp and squid
  4. Stir all ingredients until smooth, add soy sauce.
  5. Stir until it emits a fragrant smell.
  6. Fried kecombrang noodles are ready to be served.

Resep Bumbu Enak Eco