Spaghetti Bakso Bumbu Ayam Rica-rica Enak Eco

Spaghetti Meatballs with Chicken Seasoning Rica-Rica is a dish made from pasta mixed with meatballs. Spaghetti Meatballs with Chicken Rica-Rica Seasoning are combined with the typical Enak Eco chicken rica-rica seasoning to produce a delicious taste and is suitable as a family lunch dish.

Main Ingredient :

  • Pasta 225 gr
  • 6 meatballs
  • Chicken rica-rica Enak Eco seasoning
  • Oil to taste
  • Tomato sauce (optional)

Ways of making :

  1. Boil pasta and meatballs until cooked, pour a little oil and drain.
  2. Enter the meatballs with chicken rica rica seasoning, stir until smooth
  3. Add pasta and stir until smooth, remove from heat
  4. Chicken Spaghetti Rica-Rica is ready to be served

Resep Bumbu Enak Eco